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Thank You for Voting No

to the West Acton Sewer Extension Proposal

West Acton homeowners would pay much more with sewers

Sewers + current zoning = high-density housing and traffic

South Acton's sewer fee would likely increase

Incorrect Assertions by the Town

Fact Check


For homeowners, the cost of sewers is similar to the cost of septic systems in West Acton.

Sewers would be much more expensive for West Acton homeowners.


The average cost of septic system replacement in West Acton is $35,000.

On average, West Acton homeowners spend $30,000 to replace their septic systems.


West Acton homeowners spend an average of $300-$600 per year to maintain their septic systems.

West Acton homeowners (assuming pumping every two years) spend $170 per year to maintain septic systems.


West Acton is a "high needs area" for sewers.


Sewer fees for South Acton users will go down if the sewer is expanded to West Acton.

Sewers fees are more likely to increase if the sewer is expanded to West Acton.


There is an environmental problem in West Acton.

There is no environmental problem in West Acton.


Septic systems fail more frequently in West Acton than in surrounding areas.

West Acton septic systems fail inspections less frequently than average in Acton.


The Natural Resources Conservation Service considers the soil in West Acton to be of  "very limited" suitability for septic systems.

West Acton soil has the same rating as 97% of rated land in Middlesex County, as well as most of Massachusetts.


Sewers are better for the environment than septic systems.


Low-pressure sewers are a reliable technology.

Low-pressure sewers are high-cost, require emergency repairs and need a back-up generator to ensure water use during power outages.


The new Douglas/Gates school would benefit from sewers.

The new Douglas/Gates school would spend more on sewers than septic.


Sewers are good for local businesses.

Sewers would cause some businesses to leave and an increase in high-density housing and traffic in West Acton.


Sewers are needed in West Acton due to proximity to Fort Pond Brook and high groundwater.

Neither proximity to Fort Pond Brook nor groundwater justify sewering West Acton.


Acton's population increased rapidly in the 1960's, but its population has now stabilized.

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